First of all, why have I never made sweet potato fries before? They are delicious, full of beta carotene, so pretty, AND they are easy to make! Just don't buy your sweet potatoes at Whole Foods... I spent $6-something on 2! Yikes! For the fries, I used
this recipe, which I thought was great except that the fries needed a longer cooking time. After surfing around for different dips, I decided to make a curry mayo. It was awesome! I used 3/4 cups Vegenaise, 1 tsp. curry powder, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, and 3 cloves of crushed garlic. Delicioso!
On to my evil nemesis, The Sauerkraut Jar. Dun dun duuuuuuunnnnn! I also made some Tofurkey brats, and was planning to have one with some sauerkraut. Jesse wasn't home from work yet, so it was just me and the jar. I've never had too much of a problem before, just use a little hot water, or bang the edge with a butter knife, but this one hated me. I yelled and screamed at it, but it still wouldn't budge! After a few minutes of walking away and coming back to try again, I thought I almost had it! I twisted it really hard and *pop* went my wrist. Being the stubborn bastard that I am, I twisted some more, and then *!POP!* went my wrist. Owwwwwwwwwwwww! I don't know what the heck I did, but I couldn't hold the camera or my plate up after that. My wrist still hurts today! The Sauerkraut Jar kicked my ass. But, we'll meet again! And next time, my wrists will be much stronger! Bwahahahahahaha!!!
Sweet potato fries, curry mayo, pathetic Tofurkey brat with no sauerkraut, mandarin