Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New shoes! Wahoo!

You know I love me some cute vegan shoes, and I can't pass up an amazing deal! So when I saw a post on the PPK about a website selling J-41's for $19.99, I had to get two pairs! I've always been intrigued by their eco-friendliness, Jeep technology, and soy-based inks... but way too cheap to buy a pair. About half of the J-41's on the website were vegan, but I don't know if that's true for J-41's in general.
J-41 Seville, cute and shiny!

Not as sporty as I was expecting (yay!)

J-41 Palm Vegan, make my feet look big, but they are! So that's ok :)

P.S. Sorry ladies, but it appears the sale was only a one day thing! Check www.6pm.com for other crazy deals :)


Sarah said...

those are super cute! are they comfy? the first ones don't look comfy.

aTxVegn said...

I love my J41s but I paid full price for mine a couple of months ago :(

VeganView said...

NOW THOSE ARE JUST TOO CUTE! Love love them and u obv ;)

Chelsea said...

So far, they're both comfortable just walking around the house, but we'll see when I wear them for a full day!

jessy said...

i don’t think they make your feet look big, Chelsea! heck, my feet are a size 11.5 – talk about big feet! aahhahahaa! what a score on the super cute vegan shoes for such a rock’n price! yay!

Tami said...

Great looking shoes and an amazing price! Wow!

Bianca said...

Cute! I'm not a huge shoe fan (I know, I know...something is wrong with me), but those are adorable. I like how they're kinda chunky. I miss chunky shoes.

Anonymous said...

I freaking love those shoes! They are so comfy looking and groovy at the same time! Sounds like a real score.

Jen Treehugger said...

They are lovely and they look comfy too!

Scarlett said...

Wow!! You got really fantastic flat shoes from 6PM.com!! Those are looking comfortable... Thanks for the advice!!

Monique a.k.a. Mo said...

SO cute!!!

Anderburf said...

Super cute and score on the price! Another spot I love for super cute vegan shoes is Vegan Chic http://www.veganchic.com. They always have tons of shoes to choose from in lots of different materials. Oh, and affordable too!

Chelsea said...

Comfort update: the wedges are way more comfortable than the flats! The flats gave me blisters on both heels today :(