Thursday, May 21, 2009

Samuel Smith's Organic Raspberry Ale

I really wanted framboise this evening, but was feeling too cheap to buy it, so I decided to try Samuel Smith's Organic Raspberry Ale. All Samuel Smith beers are certified vegan by The Vegan Society - how cool is that?!? I found it to be more beery and less fruity than framboise (though I think that's actually malt liquor and not beer?), but still very tasty and refreshing. It's also available in strawberry and cherry.

Cheers! xoxo Chelsea

P.S. Cookie says hello!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

New shoes! Wahoo!

You know I love me some cute vegan shoes, and I can't pass up an amazing deal! So when I saw a post on the PPK about a website selling J-41's for $19.99, I had to get two pairs! I've always been intrigued by their eco-friendliness, Jeep technology, and soy-based inks... but way too cheap to buy a pair. About half of the J-41's on the website were vegan, but I don't know if that's true for J-41's in general.
J-41 Seville, cute and shiny!

Not as sporty as I was expecting (yay!)

J-41 Palm Vegan, make my feet look big, but they are! So that's ok :)

P.S. Sorry ladies, but it appears the sale was only a one day thing! Check for other crazy deals :)