Veggie close-up
Are you thinking, "Hey, those don't look like plastic bags!" Well, you're correct! At this year's VegFest, I bought a few produce bags from Elaine of Reusable Solutions. She reclaims old fabric that would go in the dumpster, and turns it into these fabulous bags! I never noticed before I bought these just how many plastic bags I was using for produce. Kinda silly to stuff your green bag full of veggies in plastic bags, right? These bags are only $3, and you can find her around town or buy from the website .The bags even include handy ties!
After I bought the bags, Elaine sent me a very sweet thank you note: "Dear Chelsea, thank you for buying my bags at Vegfest. By doing so, you are supporting recycling, reusing, local economy, and you helped to fund an environmental scholarship. I hope you enjoy your bags for many years to come. My best ~Elaine Loving".
Go buy some!
Ooh I want some of those bags!
wow! your local loot looks awesome! and those berries look delightful! i can't wait to see what you do with all the yummies!
the reusable bags = awesome! i have some that i use, too - but i'm going to keep encouraging friends to purchase some and i'll let them know these ones from elaine are rock'n!
gotta love reducing and reusing - it's so bad ass! :D
I want some local tomatoes!! so colorful! fun to see you blogging : )
Thanks for the comment love everybody! :)
Yum! What a haul. I especially like the tofu squeeze tube.
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