Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Presents for the kitty cats!

Guess what my spoiled kitties got for the holidays? Not one, but TWO cat trees! I got them one, and Jesse's parents surprised me and got them one, too :) . They are in kitty heaven! Zoey was declawed by her previous owner (we adopted her from the Humane Society), so I was concerned about her being able to get up them. Unfortunately, the 6 ft. one is just too big for her to get up on top of, but she's loving the top of the 5 ft. one! There's a little cutout in the bottom of the bed part for her to jump up through. Happy kitties!

Once she got to the top, Zoey didn't want to share!

She eventually gave in!

It's ginormous! I custom ordered it from a guy that makes these in his spare time (let me know if you want his contact info - they are really cheap!) and I think I should have put one more ledge on it... whoops!

I tackled the cinnamon rolls from JoVB - pretty good! I subbed whole wheat pastry flour because I was out of all purpose... so they were a little heavy. Still tasty, though!

My favorite present! These are soooooo Chelsea! Jesse's little brother always gets me awesome gifts :)

Have a fun and safe New Years Eve everybody! Jesse and I are going to see his friend's band play and I don't know what else afterward... 2009, I can't believe it!


jessy said...

oh man, you got 2 cat trees?! wow! that's so awesome! i bet the kitties suuuuuuuuper love you guys the most.

our cat Tigger is declawed - he came that way, too (from the spca). makes me sad, but he still has lots of fun! good to see Zoey is enjoying them, too! :)

those slippers rock - and the cinnamon rolls - delicious!

hope you have an awesome new years!

Anne said...

cute kittiesss!!!
and cute and wicked comfy looking slippers!

Anonymous said...

The kitties are adorable!

River (Wing-It Vegan) said...

Aww, lucky kitties! That's what us humans are for, to spoil them as much as we can!

Your slippers = too cute!

x said...

My girls would be jealous of the giant scratching post! They have two but I bet they would love an extra tall one!

Happy NY!

ChocolateCoveredVegan said...

Woah, they ARE spoiled. My doggies are jealous and have informed me that they wish to move to your house.