Thursday, October 2, 2008

The best Freudian slip ever!

Ok, before I get into anything directly vegan related, I have to say - did you catch the absolutely hilarious Freudian slip that Palin made toward the end of the debate? "John McCain is ready to LEAVE, excuse me, ready to LEAD..." I think about 200 people simultaneously busted up laughing at the bar I went to watch it! Oh man. I think that says it all!

Today has been a long day. After work I went to a gallery opening for a friend of a friend, then ran off to a nearby bar to watch the debate. She had some new pieces that I haven't seen before, and it was catered by a vegetarian cafe! I was very to happy to eat some real food as well as an amazing chocolate cupcake with espresso frosting before drinking wine and yelling at the big screen :)

Elise's work totally blew me away!

Free food that I can eat! Awesome!

I didn't have time to make it home after the opening to watch the debate, so I went to a bar to watch it with strangers! It was actually really fun to watch it with a bunch of boisterous, like-minded people, though I now reek of cigarette smoke.

Get out the vote! Don't let this
person be the next VP!


Jen said...

i love free vegan fud, AND ALSO i thought that female george bush impersonator on the podium was really, really, funny.

VeganView said...

I think it's Bush in drag! What a great blog you have. I just discovered it! And that farmer's market below looks amazing! Happy mofo'ing!