Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Presidential debate cookies!

Inspired by Vegan Crunk's post last week, I made some cookies and had my own little viewing party! Jesse was supposed to make it, but got stuck late at work :( he did make the last 15 minutes, at least. It was torture not to break into the cookies while I was waiting for him!

I used a sugar cookie and icing recipe from vegweb. It turned out pretty well! I did have to add a little water to the dough, and I didn't realize that you're supposed to flatten sugar cookies rather than ball 'em up on the cookie sheet, but they were still tasty if a little goofy-looking!

When I got ready to make my blue and red frosting, I opened up the box of food coloring to discover that some jerk-off took the red out and replaced it with blue! Can you believe that??? So, I used yellow. Whatever. I'm still a little annoyed as you can probably tell! I quickly discovered that O-B-A-M-A is tricky to spell out on a dinky little cookie, so I went with the classic "OBAMA RULZ" after that.

And what a great debate it was! I loved that McCain was trying sooooooooo hard to be nice to Obama after last time, and it was obvious how fake it was.

Here I am ready to laugh my ass off and yell at the tv!

Rasperry cider toast to Obama

Sugar cookies before icing...

...and after!


VeganView said...

Ooooh cute! I got highly aggressive at my tv last night. I effing hate McCain, my beer almost went through my screen ;) thankfully it was an almost! Obama 08 baby!

River (Wing-It Vegan) said...

I love your debate cookies! What a jerk, who would switch the food colorings? Anyway, I think they look great with the yellow!

jessy said...

sadface on some jerk taking the red from the food coloring - who the hell does that?! argh! i think the cookies look fantastical! now i want to make some sugar cookies. mmmmmmmmmm!

obama is the best - and mccain = creepy. i don't like that mean man @ all - and i hope obama kicks his old-man ass (in the nicest way possible, of course)! ahahahaaa! yay!

Jen said...

adorable cookies. as for the debates, i didn't watch because i just get too angry about it all. i'm not a pessimist, just an optimist with experience. i sure hope obama wins. it's all up to the electoral college...

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! Yay Obama! Have you even noticed how weird McCain's neck is?? It's like it doesn't even fit with his body. Weird observation I know, but look for it next time!

Mmm, Cookies!

Bianca said...

Yea for Obama cookies!!! I love sugar cookies, especially with that kind of icing. Reminds me of those really soft iced sugar cookies that I used to love from grocery store bakeries.

And yes, Obama totally ruled last night. John McCain was condescending and rude! And he wobbles when he walks, which means he is too old to be president of anything!

Jess said...

Haha. You're so cute. I did quite a bit of yelling at the TV, too! I loved how McCain was wandering around the stage like a senile old man, and blocked the camera & teleprompter at the very end... Meanwhile, Obama was so stoic, well-spoken, and calm. Sort of a boring debate (I thought), but my man Obama was great, once again! :)

Raspberry cider looks quite delicious, too!