Monday, October 27, 2008

The unbelievable happened - I ate faux meat and liked it!

I was shopping for some fake meat for Jesse to try today when I noticed that the Tofurkey Beer Brats are a little different than most: they are made of organic tofu, vital wheat gluten, herbs, and spices. Not a bunch of weird ingredients, but two simple ones. I talked myself into making one for myself for dinner, instead of making something different like we sometimes do. I almost wimped out at the last minute ("it looks like meat! Ahhh!") but I was brave in the end! And guess what? It was totally good! I wish I would have made two for myself! I think all the condiments and especially the sauerkraut really helped. So if you're a faux-meat-aphobe like me, try these out! I was pleasantly surprised :)

Do grilled onions and sauerkraut make anything delicious?

P.S. I found a bunch of pics of us cheering at the march online and added 'em to my Sunday post :)


Jen Treehugger said...

Awww Chelsea, such a big step, I'm so proud of you!!
Seriously though - who could resist that it looks totally yum and I LOVE Sauerkraut!

VeganView said...

Heyyyy there! You have alllll my fave condiments layed out there, how can anything be scary with veganaise now?! I have a hard time with faux meat as well, but if you can do it with those awesome accessories, maybe I can give it a try ;)

jessy said...

we don't buy the fake meats very often, but when we bu some again we'l keep these yummies in mind! mmmmm! onions and sauerkraut do make everything tasty! i looove sauerkraut the most! yay!

Jen said...

i won't lie, i like fake meat. and yes, everything is better with onions and sauerkraut. i feel the same way about frank's red hot sauce too. i'm glad your experience was pleasant.

River (Wing-It Vegan) said...

There are a few fake meats that I like and Tofurkey italian sausages rank way up there! I have yet to try their Beer Brats though.
Thanks for sharing the new pictures!! :)

Bethany said...

the title made me laugh. Now I have that song running around in my head --"I kissed a girl and I liked it... something something ...cherry chapstick."

food looks really tasty! can't go wrong w/ sauerkraut. though I can't ever tell my father that because when I was in highschool, my sister and I forbid him from making his baked sauerkraut & porkchops because it smelled up the whole house for hours. I'm surprised he listened. porkchops = disgusting.

Bianca said...

I'm a faux meat lover, so it all tastes good to me...but these are probably my fave! I love to baste them with more beer and cook 'em on the grill on a hot summer day ... ah, summer...I miss it already!

Anonymous said...

I don't miss meat at all but I love the tastes of faux meats. I just love the flavors and textures of it. Yum, you should try some of the faux sausages from have cake, will travel! they are super yum =)

Veggie said...

Oh yum, I just love those Beer Brats. I'm always recommending them to people.